This Digital Marketing Method is More Than Social Media

In the daily lives of being a busy business owner, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. There are always a million things to do and it can be difficult to see how they all fit together. 

Especially towards the end of the year, thinking about taking time to step back and review the progress you’ve made and brainstorm where you want to go might sound impossible. 

But I can’t stress enough the importance of taking an hour or two outside of your regular schedule to step back, dream, and take a holistic look at the year. It can really make all the difference in how you approach this next year of business. 

Why You Should Step Back

Stepping back gives you the freedom to dream BIG! I recently went through one of these sessions with a client and she shared with me some of her five and ten year goals that I hadn’t ever heard about before! The best part is that we were able to work backwards and break down the steps it would take to reach those goals. 

It’s More Than Social Media Support

After the session I realized that the way I support my clients is so much bigger than social media. I’m a business consultant, a digital marketing consultant, and a cheerleader. We approach social media from the inside out. What I help clients do is step back and look at your business as a whole and see how we can use social media to help you get to where you want to be. Social media is the end game. But the work we are doing is so much bigger. 

I also realized that most business owners (including my clients) would not have these types of strategy sessions if it wasn’t for me putting it on their calendar and holding them accountable. But dreaming big is FUN and especially if you’re feeling like you’re in a rut with your business, this gives you a way to feel inspired, creative, and learn to love your business again. It also brings purpose back to your day to day. 

No matter how busy my clients are at the end of the year (or how busy I am), I make sure we have time for this session. It sets our strategy and goals for the next year and helps us know where to go and what to focus on. 

Are you taking time to reflect on this year and dream big for the years to come? 

If you want to do it together, this is one part of my coaching services. Let’s get you ready for 2024!